Database Report

Choosing File: Database Report causes SNV to write a text file named dbreport.txt in the installation directory. The contents of the report are simply a listing of the available data files (.coin files) and the contents of each such file.

A small sample of a report looks like this:

.\68r67-0.coin: 1868 {a: Notched arrow, IIa: Rev67} {S1-0000}
[Typical 1868r67 | Date shows both strike doubling and repunching (RPD is F-12)]
{Sat Jul 10 19:16:11 GMT-08:00 2004 r3} {3:0 images}

.\68r67-3.coin: 1868 {a: Notched arrow, IIa: Rev67} {S1-1000 57-O-IV} {DDO}
[SE Minor]
{Sat Jul 10 17:58:34 GMT-08:00 2004 r3} {6:0 images}

.\68r67-102.coin: 1868 {a: Notched arrow, IIa: Rev67} {S1-1001 F-37 34-O-IV} {DDO}
[SE Minor]
{Sat Jul 10 17:58:04 GMT-08:00 2004 r3} {6:0 images}

.\68r67-103.coin: 1868 {a: Notched arrow, IIa: Rev67} {S1-1002 F-42 FS-003 1-O-IV} {DDO}
[DS Major]
{Sat Jul 10 17:58:08 GMT-08:00 2004 r3} {6:0 images}

.\68r67-203.coin: 1868 {a: Notched arrow, IIa: Rev67} {S1-1003} {DDO}
[SW Minor]
{Sat Jul 10 17:58:31 GMT-08:00 2004 r3} {6:0 images}

.\68r67-1.coin: 1868 {a: Notched arrow, IIa: Rev67} {S1-3000 F-12} {RPD}
[Second 8 south]
{Sat Jul 10 17:57:57 GMT-08:00 2004 r3} {4:0 images}

.\68r67-100.coin: 1868 {a: Notched arrow, IIa: Rev67} {S1-3001 F-21} {RPD}
[18 north, second 8 south]
{Sat Jul 10 17:57:59 GMT-08:00 2004 r3} {4:0 images}

In the sample above, there are six data files listed. The format of each line is:

filename: year modifierIfPresent {obverse hub, reverse hub} {attributions} {variety characteristics}
       [additional data field if present]
      {timestamp and file revision level} {number of photos : number of overlays}

The fields listed above are further described as:

filename name of the .coin file described
year year of issue of the shield nickel
modifierIfPresent modifiers like "Tall Date" or "Closed 3", only if needed
obverse hub, reverse hub design hub types
attributions numbers assigned by reference books
variety characteristics RPD, MPD, OVD, DDO, DDR, ML.
additional data field if present free form text description, only if needed
timestamp date and time the .coin file was created
file revision level revision level of the .coin file
number of photos number of available pictures for this variety
number of overlays number of photos for which an overlay photo is present

Every time you restart SNV, the Database Report will take quite a long time to generate the first time you run it as all of the data files are being examined. Please be patient. After the first time, the necessary data is cached and subsequent Database Reports will execute very quickly.

In the event of difficulties with SNV, the report may be used to determine which data files SNV sees and uses.