Reload Data

Choosing File: Reload Data discards all of the coin data and reloads fresh copies. The primary use for this function is to notify SNV that downloading of updated coin data files has been completed, and that SNV should reload data in order to recognize the new files.

A secondary use for this function is to inform SNV that you have swapped CDs if you are running from CDs. Note that only versions of SNV prior to Version 3.4 were available on CD, and that rather than running from CD it is recommended that you load your data onto your hard disk (see FAQ for instructions for doing so). You may also wish to load DVD data to your hard disk to improve the performance of SNV.

If your SNV data is on a DVD, then all of the files fit on the one DVD and you will never need to swap it. But if your SNV data is on CDs, it takes multiple CDs to hold all of the data. The multiple CDs cover different years. When your data is on CD, you can only work with a subset of the available data at any one time and you must swap CDs and use the Reload Data feature to change subsets.